Phases of the menstrual cycle

The Menstrual Cycle as the Seasons: Understanding the Phases of Your Cycle

Just as the seasons change and bring new growth and rejuvenation, the menstrual cycle is a natural cycle that brings change and renewal to a woman's body. In traditional Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle is seen as an extension of the seasons, with each phase of the cycle corresponding to a different season.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle, known as the menstrual phase, corresponds to winter. During this time, the body is in a state of rest and rejuvenation, much like the quiet and stillness of winter. This is a time to focus on self-care and self-nurturing, as well as taking time to rest and recover from the previous cycle. Fun fact: did you know that we need on average 200cals more per day in this week?

The second phase of the menstrual cycle, the follicular phase, corresponds to spring. During this time, the body is full of energy and vitality, much like the new growth and renewal of spring. This is a time when our body is us ready for peak ovulation as well as for new beginnings and setting goals. Goals may be easily achieved in this week and the next so use that energy wisely!

The ovulatory phase is our summer phase. This is the time our the body is at its peak, much like the warm and sunny days of summer. This is a time to focus on self-expression and creativity, as well as taking advantage of the extra energy and vitality that the body is experiencing.

Finally, the pre-menstrual phase is our autumn. Beginning to reflect and let go of old energy, preparing for rest and renewal, much like the fall leaves falling from the trees. This is a time for introspection, reflection, and preparing ourselves for our rest and recharge.

By understanding the different phases of the menstrual cycle and how they correspond to the seasons, women can better understand their bodies and how to support their health and wellness. Whether you are focusing on self-care during the winter phase, or expressing your creativity during the summer phase, the menstrual cycle offers a natural rhythm to guide you through the ups and downs of life.

In conclusion, the menstrual cycle is a natural cycle that corresponds to the seasons and offers women a guide to their health and wellness. By understanding the phases of the menstrual cycle, women can better understand their bodies, and take steps to support their health and wellness through each phase.


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